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This one-day class will provide you with in-depth instruction into the components, techniques, & styles of lighting, as well as accents/decor, treetops for your client's trees for the holidays.


As always, we include details on meeting with your clients, information to ask, and pricing out your work profitably.


This class includes part demonstration, part hands-on experiential learning.

Lighting & Decor for Holiday Trees




    Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:30pm

    Closed Saturday & Sunday





    2407 East Hennepin Avenue

    Minneapolis, MN 55413

    P: 612-362-3133 / 877-KOEHLER

    Click here to send us an email

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    The Koehler and Dramm Institute of Floristy is licensed as a private career school with the Minnesota Office of Higher Education pursuant to Minnesota Statues, sections 136A.821 to 136A.832 Licensure is not an endorsement of the institution. Credits earned at the institute may not transfer to all other institutions.

    © 2017 Koehler & Dramm Institute of Floristry

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